
Day Care

Timings / Punctuality

The daycare centre closes at 6:30, in-case you are opting to avail the facility until 6:30, request you to please be on time. In-case for any reason you are getting late, ie than the usual time of the pickup
please keep the day care informed.

In-case of absence from the day care please keep the daycare teacher informed.


In case the child is not feeling well its best to keep the child at home and give him complete rest that she/he needs. Kindly ensure that the child is given appropriate medication and care.

They should resume daycare only after they are completely well.


If a parent wishes to bring in the Birthday for his/her child in the day care please let the teacher know in advance. You can opt for sending a snack which we shall serve during the snack time or send an Indian homemade sweet.

Please do not give return gifts and also if you have parties at home request you not to make any special requests to teachers for handing over the return gifts in the daycare as its beyond theteachers duty to do that.

In case the birthday is over the weekend, then we bring in the birthday for the child on Monday in the daycare


The child should be tugged away to bed by 8:15 pm or 8:30 pm maximum.

Tell a bedtime story or hum a song as an everyday ritual.


Before buying a new toy think if your child really needs it.

Less is more. Keep it simple and don’t clutter the rooms with toys/books. Avoid noise-making toys and electronic toys.


  • Keep it simple, seasonal, and freshly cooked home food.
  • Eat together and encourage the child to eat on their own.
  • Avoid processed food and drinks.
  • Fruits to be a part of the diet
  • Avoid white sugar and especially in the night time.
  • Dinner should be served between 6:30 pm and 7:15 pm.

Please note that children are happily hungry by 7:00 pm with the days and food rhythm that we follow at daycare. The rhythms are all set with great care and understanding of the young child and his physical well-being. So please ensure that they have their dinner well on time the moment they reach and not snack after daycare.

Screen time

There is nothing called screen time for a young child especially below the age of 7. It may be the best of shows on TV, the most informative and fun thing but the medium TV certainly has a negative impact on the child.

Gadgets, iPads, Mobile phones are a big NO. They can all wait until the right time comes, which certainly is not recommended before they are 7 years of age at least.


Daily garden/park time & weekend outdoor visits are essential for a healthy development of a child.

Daycare and Parent interactions

During the initial settling-in phase, the Daycare Administrator will keep you updated with frequent progress reports. Once your child has adjusted to the environment, you will receive bi-monthly updates, and after full adjustment, monthly updates will be provided. For any immediate concerns or if you require guidance, please contact us by phone after 2 pm at +91-9372346681. For in-person meetings to discuss any issues or seek additional support, please schedule an appointment with the Administrator in advance.

The daycare teacher will provide a brief daily update at the time of child pick-up, offering a summary of the day’s activities. If you have specific concerns that require more detailed discussion, please avoid addressing them during pick-up times, as the teacher may need to attend to other tasks. Instead, consider scheduling a separate meeting for comprehensive discussions.

Fee payments

Kindly ensure that the fee installments are paid on time.