

Age group: 1.5 year to 3 years
School Timings: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

The child at this phase of life has acquired the skill to stand and walk. He is still in the process of having his feet firmly on the ground, mastering his walk, and balancing himself upright. Along with this, his speech is now developing at a fast pace. This is a very crucial period in the child’s development. He truly needs an environment that understands his needs at all levels—a caring environment that nourishes and strengthens these foundations of walking, talking, and thinking.

The teacher welcomes the child into a class that is set up like a home. She patiently gives the required time and space for the child to come to her. The little child gets an opportunity to explore the toys, playmates, and the classroom at his own pace. During free play, the teacher gently weaves in a few games and songs, mostly engaging one-on-one with the child.

The child also witnesses the teacher as she slowly gets busy washing, cutting, and setting up the table for fruit time. After fruit time, they go outdoors and spend time exploring their little garden space. Following a good wash, they gather near the teacher, who tells them a story. The day ends with lullabies and goodbye songs.